My Needs - Communication Aid
The feelings of frustration and confusion that can arise from speech and language difficulties can result in behaviour problems. Children may either vent their frustration and anger in very obvious ways or become very quiet and withdrawn when they feel the act of communication is too difficult to keep on trying.
If you have a child at home, in your nursery setting or school setting who struggles to communicate their most essential needs like toilet, food, hurt or needing help then having visual communication cards can be such an effective tool to help them communicate.
When children can't yet use words or be understood by others, they can often use gestures/pointing and pictures to communicate instead. We all use symbols everyday e.g. the man/lady on the toilet door to help us understand and communicate with others and so having these for your child can be a big help to them.
Place the cards on a keyring, lanyard or in a folder and have them accessible to both the adult and the child. Demonstrate showing the card/pointing to it when you are communicating with them and encourage them to reach for them when they need them.
Recommended for all children with Speech and Language difficulties, particularly non or pre-verbal children and children with severe speech/language delays/disorders. Can be used with any age group.
This PDF Digital download includes:
- 48 different symbol cards for communicating everyday wants/needs.