School Routine Visuals - Symbol Board/Timetable
Classrooms can be really challenging places for children/young people who struggle to communicate or understand what's going on around them. There are lots of routines to follow and transitions from one activity to another. There are also lots of adults and children using spoken language which may be confusing to them.
Children who are at an early stage of communication development (minimally or none speaking), those with English as an additional language or those with learning difficulties...well all the children really...benefit from visuals to support their understanding of routines and instructions as well as to communicate their needs, wishes, choices and experiences.
Having our routine charts available in the classroom (on the walls or printed out on tables,) with aided language stimulation, can support children to feel more at ease with what is going on, communicate with you and feel settled in their environment. A must have for a communication friendly classroom!
This digital download pdf includes 5 different routine charts for the school day:
1. Arriving at school
2. Play time
3. Bathroom
4. Meal time
5. Home time
If you need any advice on how to use these charts with the child/young person, please get in touch with us.