Welcome to Speech and Language Academy!
A place for parents, childcarers, teachers, therapists and professionals to learn more about Speech and Language Therapy. Providing you with ideas, resources, advice and training to help support those with SLCN.
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About Us
Hi, I'm Julia. I founded Speech and Language Academy because I have a vision to make Speech and Language Therapy support available to everyone who needs it. I hope to provide you with the advice, therapy activities, training and confidence that you need when supporting someone with communication difficulties. As a qualified therapist; having worked for many years with children with Speech and Language difficulties, I know how important it is to have access to timely help and support.
Why is Speech and Language Therapy so important?
Children with SLCN
It has been shown that around 10% of all children starting primary school, in the UK, are on the SEN register with the main reason being Speech and Language Difficulties. 'ICAN' 2020.
Reaching potential
Not being able to communicate easily can make life harder for children in a number of ways. For those children identified as having Speech, Language and Communications Needs as their primary type of Special Educational Need (SEN), only 28% have reached a good level of development at the end of reception compared to 72% of all pupils. 'We need to talk' report by the Children's Commissioner 2019.
Life changing impact
81% of children with emotional and mental health difficulties are believed to have unidentified language difficulties. Children referred to mental health services are three times more likely than other children to have these needs. 'We need to talk' report by the Children's Commissioner 2019.